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Hotel in Rimini

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Hotel in Rimini

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Montefiore Conca

Montefiore has been included in the list of the most beautiful hamlets in Italy and it has gained the Bandiera Arancione, a certification of quality and beauty assessed by the Italian Touring Club. One of the main attractions is, without a doubt, the fortress which belonged to the Malatesta family. This imposing building lies on one of highest hills of the Valconca area and from its top it is possible to enjoy a breathtaking view across the valley which stretches until the coast. Its strategic position is why this city was chosen by many throughout the centuries for their settlements, as several finds witness. But the real golden age of the town was reached during the Malatesta reign. During that period, the Rocca became essential for the defense from the Montefeltros, Malatesta’s major enemies. The city centre gained civilian and religious constructions, such as cloisters, hospitals and pawnbroker’s. For who is fond of nature, not to be missed are some ancient paths to be followed by foot, by horse or by bike.

The Santuario di Bonora owes its construction to an hermit who lived in Montefiore around the 1400.The fresco which represents the Virgin Mary while breastfeeding Jesus is related to a fascinating tale. In fact, it is said that in 1834 a priest asked a bricklayer to move the painting from the original site to somewhere else, but every time he started working he lost his sight and then regained it when he stopped, so at the end, they decided to leave the fresco right there, exactly where still today can be admired.
This sacred site is the final destination for several pilgrimages organized by various parishes. The procession in mask, which takes place there on Good Friday, is extremely evocative.

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