Hotel in Rimini

next to the sea

Hotel in Rimini

next to the sea

Hotel in Rimini

next to the sea

Best Price Guaranteed

Our restaurant

At Hotel Gaby, everyday is a special occasion

The excellent cuisine is one of the main strengths of the region and of our hotel as well. Our chef Mimmo has been leading the kitchen staff for more than 18 years and together with the skilled Roberto , they realize everyday a wide array of healthy dishes that combine the taste of local cuisine tradition and innovation.

Our breakfast

A great amount of energy to get an head start on the day!

Every morning from 7.30 to 10 o’clock our breakfast awaits our guests, providing them an abundant buffet that combines a wide variety of tasty products such as our home-made cakes and our traditional “focacce”. Experience our tasty products:

  • Wide array of cereals
  • Fresh fruit
  • Cheese and cold meats
  • Fresh yogurt
  • Jams and spreadable creams
  • Home-made cakes and pies
  • Croissants, “bomboloni”, traditional “ciambella” and other excellent pastries
  • Juices
  • Espresso, coffee, cappuccino and hot drinks

Lunch and dinner

Tradition and good taste

Every day at Hotel Gaby lunch is served at 1 pm and dinner is served at 7.30 pm. For their meals, our guests can create their own menu , by choosing among 3main courses and 3 second courses , all served by our waiters at the table, along with a rich buffet of starters and vegetables. Every day at both lunch and dinner, a wide array of fish recipes is provided, such as grilled fish, baked fish o fried fish.

The menu for the little ones

Several current clients used to be our guests as children and they have come back with their own children which we still particularly take care of. We provide our youngest guests with vegetable stock, pasta in stock and so on, following the instructions given by their lovely mums while guaranteeing flexible timetables for the meals of our baby clients.

Ricetta dello Chef


Ingredienti: 400 gr. di farina, 200 gr. di zucchero, 3 uova, 100 gr. di burro, 1 bustina di lievito, scorza di un limone grattugiata, mezzo bicchiere di latte, carta forno. Preparazione: Impastate bene gli ingredienti. Dopo aver posto la carta in una teglia da forno, formate su di essa due filoni di impasto alti circa 3 centimetri. Mettete in forno già caldo a 180° per circa mezz’ora. Le varianti sono a discrezione prima di infornare, ad esempio tocchetti di cioccolato fondente, oppure mandorle tritate, nutella, zuccherini colorati, ecc.

Menù del Pranzo

  • Nidi di rondine gratinati
  • Risotto mantecato gamberi e zucchine
  • Crema di legumi
  • Arrosto di Vitello con funghi
  • Fritto misto di pesce e verdurine
  • Mozzarella e pomodoro “Caprese”
  • Contorni vari
  • Insalate miste
  • Dessert

Menù della cena

  • Passatelli romagnoli in brodo di carne
  • Farfalle speck spinaci e panna
  • Trenette al pesto genovese
  • Grigliata mista di carne
  • Piadina mista farcita
  • Omelette alle erbe fini
  • Contorni vari
  • Insalate miste
  • Dessert

Offerte speciali